Sunday, November 11, 2007

We had the $15-idea, and we worked out the prettiest cooker you ever

saw at any price
We had the $15-idea, and we worked out the prettiest cooker you ever
saw at any price. But we got together one day and figured out that
the big market was for a low-priced cooker that every woman could

Saturday, November 10, 2007

_All business houses recognize the necessity for having printed

letterheads and envelopes, but the variety of designs and styles are
_All business houses recognize the necessity for having printed
letterheads and envelopes, but the variety of designs and styles are
infinite. Nothing, not even the paper, affords such an index to the
character of the individual or firm as the typography of the
envelope and letterhead. An impression, favorable or otherwise, is
created_ BEFORE THE LETTER IS READ. _This chapter describes the
methods of printing, engraving and lithographing; the advantages of
each process, and the difference in prices; the proper placing of
date, name and address, the width of margins, spacing between
lines--little points that contribute to the appearance of the letter
and give it tone_

Friday, November 9, 2007

Several mail-order houses have trained women to handle this part of

their correspondence for they are more apt in the use of feminine
Several mail-order houses have trained women to handle this part of
their correspondence for they are more apt in the use of feminine
expressions. Let a man try to describe some article as 'perfectly
splendid,' or 'really sweet' and he will stumble over it before he
gets to the end of the sentence. Yet when these same hackneyed
phrases are brought in naturally by a woman who 'feels just that
way' about the garment she is describing, they will take hold of the
reader in a way that is beyond the understanding of the masculine

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The English company, known the world over as 'Lloyd"s,' is ready

to insure an ocean liner, or to guarantee that the next child born
into your family will be a boy or a girl; it will even insure that
there will or will not be twins, and that, if twins, they will be
boys or girls, or one of each
The English company, known the world over as 'Lloyd"s,' is ready
to insure an ocean liner, or to guarantee that the next child born
into your family will be a boy or a girl; it will even insure that
there will or will not be twins, and that, if twins, they will be
boys or girls, or one of each.

Monday, November 5, 2007

The words VALUE RECEIVED, which usually appear upon notes, are not

necessary legally
The words VALUE RECEIVED, which usually appear upon notes, are not
necessary legally. Thousands of good notes made without any value
consideration are handled daily.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The only way to get it is by ordering from me

The only way to get it is by ordering from me. Royal Mixture goes
right from factory to your pipe--you get it direct, and know you are
getting it just right, moist and fresh.

But if you are presenting a new proposition, it is necessary to

explain its nature, its workings, its principles and appliances
But if you are presenting a new proposition, it is necessary to
explain its nature, its workings, its principles and appliances. If
you are trying to sell a fountain pen you will not waste valuable
space in explaining to the reader what a fountain pen is good for
and why he should have one, but rather you will give the reasons for
buying your particular pen in preference to others. You will explain
the self-filling feature and the new patent which prevents its
leaking or clogging.

When you cannot give full attention to the request immediately, at

least write the inquirer and tell how you will reply fully in a day
or so or whenever you can
When you cannot give full attention to the request immediately, at
least write the inquirer and tell how you will reply fully in a day
or so or whenever you can. If you can truthfully say so, tell him
that you have just what he wants and ask him to wait to get your
full information before placing his order. In this way you may hold
the matter open.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

If this house burns down the man does not receive eighty thousand

If this house burns down the man does not receive eighty thousand
dollars. The actual loss is calculated and the companies divide it
up, each paying its part.