Monday, September 3, 2007

RECEIVER"S CERTIFICATES are issued by receivers of corporations,

companies, etc
RECEIVER"S CERTIFICATES are issued by receivers of corporations,
companies, etc., in financial difficulties, to secure operating
capital; they are granted first rights upon the property and are
placed above prior lien and first mortgage bonds.

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Many letter writers think that these rules are all right for college

professors, journalists and authors, but impractical for the
every-day business correspondent
Many letter writers think that these rules are all right for college
professors, journalists and authors, but impractical for the
every-day business correspondent. Some of the most successful
companies in the country, however, have recognized the importance
of these very points and have adopted strict rules that give
strength and character to the letters that are sent out. For
example, here is a paragraph taken from the book of instructions
issued by a large manufacturing concern in the middle west:

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One day the head correspondent in an old established wholesale house

in the east had occasion to go through some files of ten and twelve
years before
One day the head correspondent in an old established wholesale house
in the east had occasion to go through some files of ten and twelve
years before. He was at once struck with the number of names with
which he was not familiar--former customers who were no longer
buying from the house. He put a couple of girls at work making a
list of these old customers and checking them up in the mercantile
directories to see how many were still in business.

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Under the usual articles, it is stipulated that while a dual

partnership lasts, neither of the members shall make a note, sign
a bond, or enter on any outside obligation as an individual
without having secured the written consent of his business
Under the usual articles, it is stipulated that while a dual
partnership lasts, neither of the members shall make a note, sign
a bond, or enter on any outside obligation as an individual
without having secured the written consent of his business


Having drawn his draft, Mr

Having drawn his draft, Mr. Thomas takes it to the Johnson
National Bank for collection. The collection is actually made by
some bank in Cleveland to which the Johnson has endorsed it over.

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